How children can express themselves this freedom month

At The Dream Tree Nursery School, kids Leslie van der Merwe and Rea Mpetse are seen playing together. The nursery school encourages multiracial integration of children. Picture: Nhlanhla Phillips

At The Dream Tree Nursery School, kids Leslie van der Merwe and Rea Mpetse are seen playing together. The nursery school encourages multiracial integration of children. Picture: Nhlanhla Phillips

Published Apr 29, 2023


It’s Freedom Month in South Africa and we want you to fully express yourself in the most responsible and free way as this month draws to an end.

On Thursday we celebrated Freedom Day. Twenty-nine years ago was the first time all races in South Africa could vote for their preferred government.

The day is called Freedom Day because the right to vote is a trait of freedom, a freedom that wasn’t always there.

Remember, we said last month that every right has a responsibility. Freedom of expression is a right but the responsibility is to be safe and not disturb the peace of others. Here are some fun ways to express yourself this Freedom Month:

1. You can ask mom and dad to give you crayons, paint or colour pencils and a piece of paper to draw an image that can make you express your feelings and your freedom. Drawing and painting is one of the best ways to express yourself and helps with your creativity, too.

2. Ask mom and dad to take you to the beach. There, you can build sandcastles and make creative objects with the sand to best express yourself.

3. You can ask mom and dad for old clothes and you can invite your friends to come over and play dress up. Together, you can be whoever you want to be in the outfits you wear.

4. Writing your thoughts and feelings are a useful way to express your feelings. Ask my mom and dad to get you a journal and take time to reflect, write or even draw in your journal to best express yourself.

Whichever way you choose to express yourself and your feelings, please do it responsibly and always ask mom and dad if they are okay with it.