First Dan black belt holder receives Protea colours

Ariya Neermal

Ariya Neermal

Published Jul 1, 2024


First Dan black belt karate whiz, Ariya Neermal, was placed second in her Kata division and received her Protea colours at the recent African Union Sports Council (AUSC), Union of African Karate Federation (UFAK) Region 5 Championships, in Walvis Bay, Namibia.

The 15-year-old started her karate journey at the age of eight and progressed from a novice to a 1st Dan (Shodan) black belt under the guidance of Sensei Lorraine Munsami and Renshi Brando Pillay.

“We enrolled Ariya in karate to help her develop discipline, confidence and self-defence skills. We wanted her to have a fun and challenging way to stay active, while also learning valuable life skills like perseverance and focus. Additionally, karate’s emphasis on respect, self-control and inner strength aligns with our values and goals for her personal growth and development,” said her mum, Michelle Neermal.

She added: “Ariya attends her local dojo, SKISA Northmead Dojo, with Sensei Lorraine in Phoenix on Mondays and Wednesdays. She also attends various advanced training sessions with Renshi Brando at the Durban North and Umhlanga dojos, from Monday through to Sunday; these sessions vary from one to two hours a day.”

Ariya's older brother Aarman is a Protea athlete and has a 1st Dan black belt.

Ariya said: “Karate is a holistic practice that combines physical technique, mental discipline, and personal development, making it a rewarding and enjoyable activity.”

She added that she had gained invaluable life skills, including perseverance, focus and patience, which were essential for achieving success.

The grade 10 pupil at Greenbury Secondary, said she planned on studying marine biology at the University of Cape Town after completing her schooling.

“I am a student leader and a representative council of leaders. Aside from karate, I enjoy outdoor activities, travelling and spending time with my beautiful family, creating memories.”

Ariya said she looked forward to her next tournament, the Karate South Africa Elite Championships 2024 at the Tongaat Sports Centre from July 19-21.


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