#aTypicalInterview: Lean Girl Angelique Daubermann on her favourite cheat meal

Renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann. Supplied image.

Renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann. Supplied image.

Published Oct 8, 2023


Johannesburg - This week, we feature renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann.

Better known as “The Lean Girl”, she has garnered millions of followers on her social media profiles for her modern day diet and nutrition content.

Daubermann, the founder of the ‘Lean Girl“ brand and the Lean Body Lab programme, is a qualified nutritionist through internationally accredited 'Precision Nutrition' nutrition coaching.

She has also featured on the cover of Women's Health recently, making it in this year's March/April edition of the renowned magazine.

Renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann. Supplied image.

Three items you have to have in your fridge at all times are?

Smooth fat free cottage cheese - if I have less than four tubs, it is an emergency.

Blueberries and strawberries - my go-to low calory snacks when I need to grab something.

100 Calorie chocolates (2-finger kit kats, mini-bar-ones, wonder bars) - I eat one every day! I’m a guilt-less sweet toothed sister.

You are only able to do one exercise for the rest of your life. What exercise do you choose to do?

It’s got to be the barbell hip thrust. They make me feel so strong (I can hip thrust 110kg), AND they are the business for those booty gains!

Your go to cheat meal is?

My go-to cheat meal would be a slice of caramel baked cheesecake with a thick, beautiful, buttery biscuit base. I am obsessed with recreating all ‘cheat meals’ to make low-calorie versions! So, every day can feel like a cheat!

You haven't prepared a meal. You are on the road and are forced to buy take out. Where do you go, and what do you order?

Breakfast is ALWAYS on the menu somewhere - Eggs, avo, salmon and toast is my go-to on the go! It’s got all of the macros we want (protein, carbs and fats) and never disappoints!

Renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann. Supplied image.

Your favourite brand of fitness clothing is...?

I am an Adidas girl! I love their fusion of fitness and fashion. I live in the gym kit - so a girl needs to look snazzy - whether that’s at the gym or out and about!

The biggest misconception people have of you is...?

The biggest misconception is that I have good genetics and I'm naturally slim. I weighed 83kg at the age of 13 and spent a decade of my life serial dieting!

You are on death row. You are allowed one last meal and drink. What do you choose to have?

Okay. Here we go. (Calories no longer count) I’d have a plate of Spur ribs, onion rings and fries - swimming in THE spur salad dressing (you know one I’m talking about). And then I would finish it off with a glass of champagne to toast to a life well lived!

Renowned nutritionist, lean body coach, and social media influencer Angelique Daubermann. Supplied image.

Three of your favourite yummy healthy snacks are?

Grenade protein bars - they are chocolates with protein #winning.

Trigz pop chips - chutney flavour is the best!

One of my Lean Girl Carrot & Bran Protein Muffins - super moist, delicious and filling!

Your go-to song when you need motivation in the gym is...?

I’m about to shock you: TNT by AC/DC. It makes me feel like I can do anything! It brings out my inner-dynamite!

The best piece of advice you have been given in your life is...?

Learn to love hard things. That feeling of being uncomfortable, challenged and uneasy is your sign that it’s time to grow. Courage is not about doing something you’re confident will succeed - courage is the willingness to try - even when you may fail.

The Saturday Star