Motorists urged to plan ahead as heavy rains could impact on travel conditions this busy weekend

The N3 Toll Concession is expecting another busy traffic weekend on the N3 Toll Route. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

The N3 Toll Concession is expecting another busy traffic weekend on the N3 Toll Route. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo

Published Jan 6, 2023


It is likely to be another busy weekend on the roads with thousands of holidaymakers expected to make their journeys back home.

On Friday, the Mpumalanga Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison urged drivers to be cautious of the rainy weather.

"Motorists are urged to exercise due diligence and caution as the rain continues to fall on most parts of the province

“We are appealing to drivers to avoid crossing low-lying bridges if they are not sure whether it is safe to do so.

“They are also encouraged to keep their headlights on, reduce speeding, and increase the following distance," said spokesperson, Moeti Mmusi.

On the N3, the N3 Toll Concession is anticipating at least 2000 vehicles per hour at toll plazas between KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

"We are expecting high traffic volumes of between 1500 and 2000 per hour on Saturday and Sunday with busy conditions likely to continue early next week as inland schools reopen on Wednesday," said N3TC Operations Manager, Thania Dhoogra.

She warned that construction is likely to commence next week.

"This weekend, a short section of the route, between Vaaldraai I/C and De Hoek Toll Plaza, will be reduced to one lane only in a northbound direction. This restriction may cause a minor disruption to traffic during peak times," Dhoogra said.

Picture: N3TC

She said rain and misty conditions are expected over large parts along the route, leading to poor visibility and dangerous driving conditions.

The N3TC also urged drivers to be vigilant while travelling along Van Reenen Pass.

Dhoogra said: "The pass is notorious for high winds, fog and bad weather, and additionally, the speed differential between trucks and light motor vehicles moving up the pass tends to contribute to congestion and delays, and increases road safety risks.

“We appeal to all road users to remain patient and to share the road responsibly at all times. Frustration leads to reckless driving, judgment errors and crashes.“

Authorities called on motorists to plan ahead, reduce speed, keep a safe following distance and keep headlights on, especially where visibility is compromised.