Buthelezi has been kept for such a time as this

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Picture: Khaya Ngwenya/African News Agency (ANA)

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Picture: Khaya Ngwenya/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Nov 2, 2022


By Dr Noluthando Phungula and Dr Hlengiwe Phetha

On October 29 President Cyril Ramaphosa handed over the official certificate of recognition to newly coronated AmaZulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini. Among other provisions, the certificate confirms that the king has the powers to govern His Majesty’s area of jurisdiction in terms of custom, customary and applicable laws.

King Misuzulu’s ascension to the throne has not been without challenges as the nation witnessed factional battles that saw members of the royal family pitted against each other in a bitter fight over succession.

During his speech King Misuzulu reiterated his reliance on and belief that he had been chosen by God and his ancestors. Based on his assertions, I refer to a befitting verse found in the Book of Daniel 2 which says: “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding”. The newly recognised king was not shy to state his reliance on God to lead his people.

It would seem that Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s life had been preserved for such a time as this. In true style of the Holy book, we find Queen Esther who is said to have become queen for a time such as this. In that context, her being queen gains deliverance for the Jewish nation.

In the context of the Zulu nation, the same can be said of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi who is 94 and has played a major role in solving divisions that have continued to plague the royal family on matters of succession to the throne, following the departure of King Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu and later the regent queen last year.

The prince has served the royal house as a traditional prime minister for almost 70 years. He has played a critical role in guiding and advising the royal family and the newly coronated king. Prince Mangosuthu has been a tremendous asset not only to the royal house but also to the Amazulu nation at large. He has stood alongside the young king as he had done with his late father and grandfather, serving the nation at large.

In true African style he can be likened to the Lion King’s Rafiki, who serves as the Pridelands’ wise man. As one of Mufasa’s close friends and the beholder of the truth, Rafiki looks after Simba until he is coronated as king.

The affairs of the Zulu royal house are not new to Prince Buthelezi or to his lineage. His great-great grandfather, Nqengelele kaMvulana, a close confidant of King Shaka, had been appointed as Inkosi of the Buthelezi people. Years later, King Dingane would also appoint Inkosi Nqengelele’s son, Mnyamana Buthelezi, Prince Buthelezi’s great-grandfather as traditional prime minister to the Zulu Nation.

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi was appointed by King Cyprian Nyangayezizwe Bhekuzulu kaSolomon (his first cousin) as traditional prime minister to the Zulu monarch and nation and would later serve under his nephew, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu.

At the recognition ceremony, Prince Buthelezi advised that the new king may appoint a new prime minister. The prince did however, offer to continue to serve until his replacement is appointed.

Prince Buthelezi has been a pillar of strength for the newly elected king since the passing of both his parents last year. As the nation, we are indebted to Prince Buthelezi, Isizwe siyabonga Shenge: when the time to rest with your forefathers comes, may you sleep well knowing that you served the nation well. May God grant the king wisdom, long life and good health as he leads his people, Bayede.

* Dr Noluthando Phungula and Dr Hlengiwe Phetha are from the Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg

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