Have your say on baboon-proof fencing proposal for Cape Peninsula

A baby baboon hiding in the bush. Photo: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency(ANA)

A baby baboon hiding in the bush. Photo: Brendan Magaar/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Sep 26, 2023


The Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Joint Task Team (JTT) wants to inform the public that a baboon-proof fencing summary report is now available for affected communities’ consideration.

The joint task team which consists of representatives from SANParks, CapeNature, and the City of Cape Town said the report proposes locations on the Cape Peninsula where baboon-proof fencing could be considered to keep baboons in their natural habitat and out of the urban environment as far as possible.

In July, the three spheres of government signed the Memorandum of Agreement that sets the foundation for the cooperation between between the three parties for a more sustainable management plan for the Cape Peninsula’s Chacma baboon population.

The JTT said its on track to finalised the Baboon Strategic Management Plan (BSMP) by the end of September and will make the plan available to the public once done.

It said it had recently conducted site visits in Simon’s Town and Scarborough to investigate the feasibility of baboon-proof fencing.

The two areas were selected for the initial investigations based on the available funding, terrain, land ownership, environmental authorisations needed, and the anticipated return on investment in keeping baboons out of the urban areas and in their natural habitat, as far as possible.

The report provides background information on examples of successful implementation of baboon-proof fencing on the Cape Peninsula, what the fencing could look like in terms of its height and design to ensure the free movement of small animals, key issues to be considered in deciding whether a location is suitable, and maps indicating locations that may be considered.

It should be noted that no decision has been made on where the fencing will be implemented.

“Residents are also advised that, depending on the location and land ownership, environmental authorisation may be required and that public participation will form part of this process.

“The JTT will present and discuss the proposals in the fencing report with the affected communities in the coming months. The first community engagements are proposed to be in October and November with residents from Simon’s Town, Constantia, Murdoch Valley, and Zwaanswyk/Tokai,” it said.

The intention of the engagements is to collaborate on area-specific solutions and strategies applicable to that community.

At the community meetings, the JTT is expected to present an analysis of human-baboon conflict issues in the affected areas and it intends on proposing possible short, medium and long-term strategies for the specific area for consideration and discussion by the affected community. Communities who will be affected are encouraged to prosed strategies, actions, and interventions from their side and are urged to familiarise themselves with the fencing report.

More information on dates and venues of community engagements will be given well in advance.

“The intention is to operationalise the BSMP with specific local strategies that address the different needs, circumstances, resources, and geographical concerns of affected communities, to ensure these are best suited and most appropriate to their respective areas, and are supported by residents as far as possible,” the JTT said.

Residents are urged to familiarise themselves with the report.

The report is available on:

  • SANParks
  • CapeNature
  • City of Cape Town

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