The baby who shocked her mom

Jasleen was born four days ago weighing extraordinary 6,110 grams and measuring 57,5 cm in length.

Jasleen was born four days ago weighing extraordinary 6,110 grams and measuring 57,5 cm in length.

Published Jul 31, 2013


London - At over 6kg, she is twice the weight of the average newborn girl. But even more remarkable is that Jasleen’s mother managed to deliver her naturally, without the need for a Caesarean section.

She was born on Friday in Leipzig, Germany, weighing 6.11kg and measuring 57.5 cm long.

Her mother Maria, 31, who turned up at the hospital on the day of the birth, said: “I was somewhat shocked at her size.

“My 11-year-old daughter was a third of her weight, my two-year-old son a little under that. My stomach was a lot bigger this time around but I had no idea there was such a giant inside.”

Doctors discovered that the mother was suffering from undiagnosed gestational diabetes which can cause abnormally big babies.

Jasleen is Germany’s heaviest, beating a 5.8kg boy called Jihad born November 2011, but is 4.5kg lighter than the world record.

She is doing well but remains in neonatal intensive care at Leipzig University Hospital while doctors monitor her. - Daily Mail


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