Guy’s AITA post goes viral after Redditors tell him that his girlfriend’s pregnant

Imagine posting a whole thread on Reddit and waiting for judgement only to be told that you could be expecting a baby? Picture: JuliaFiedler/Pixabay

Imagine posting a whole thread on Reddit and waiting for judgement only to be told that you could be expecting a baby? Picture: JuliaFiedler/Pixabay

Published Feb 26, 2021


Imagine posting a whole thread on Reddit and waiting for judgement only to be told that you could be expecting a baby?

This is exactly what happened to one Redditor when posting a story on the AmItheAsshole sub.

The online user who posts under name u/theomelette_, asked the community: “AITA for refusing to make anymore meals for my girlfriend after she kept complaining about my cooking?”

He sets up the post with a back story on his relationship, saying that he and his girlfriend have been together for four years.

In the two years since living together, he’s taken over the household chores with the cooking and packing their lunches.

“For the past few days what’s really set her off is my cooking.

“I’m usually the one making breakfast, packing our lunches, and dinner,” said the 27 year old.

“Literally any time I’ve been at the stove, she complains about how bad the smell is and gives me crap about using stuff that has obviously gone bad according to her.

“Or saying it tastes like shit, won’t even finish eating.

“This has pissed me off.

“I’m not a chef but I do pride myself in my cooking and she’s talking about how bad my food is.

“I’ve had my co-workers try my lunch and they tell me it taste just fine.”

He explained one incident with her complaining about the omelette he was making.

They got into an argument and he dumped the eggs in the bin.

“Just didn’t think it’s fair for her to be talking shit about my cooking when she never has before and thought well if she doesn’t like it, then she can take over the kitchen.

“Was I an asshole?,” he ends off with.

Within a matter of days, the post had 2.6K responses, with the very first comment asking “Are you sure she's not pregnant?”

The rest of the thread echoed the same sentiments after the second person responded: “Pregnancy was my first thought as well… my sense of smell is insane already and was even worse when I was pregnant.

“Some of the things I used to really enjoy made me feel seriously ill for a long while.”

“I... did not think about that honestly,” said u/theomelette_, in response to the onslaught of pregnancy suggestions.

The nose knows when you’re pregnant.

Hyperosmia is a persistently heightened or increased sense of smell, and it’s very common during pregnancy, according to

Many pregnant women notice changes in their sense of smell during the first trimester.

But the significance of those changes and their effect on expectant moms can vary, noted the mommy blog.

Suffice to say, u/theomelette_’s fellow Redditors were on the mark.

In his updated post a day later, he did indeed confirm the speculation: “Ok so getting back to what everyone’s been wanting to hear, my girlfriend got home and I decided to bring up her issues with the smell thing.

“Praying to God she wouldn’t rip my head off for implying she was only mad cause “hormones.”

“Her reaction was priceless though because clearly she didn’t think about that either 😂 So yep we took a quick trip to CVS and got us a couple tests just to be sure.

“We came home and… yep they’re positive!!”

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